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Showing posts from May, 2018

Recumbent tadpole trike: Posts on Velomobileforum p.10

I have recently built about 4 possible versions of the tilting mechanism I have beem toying with in my very informal test stand. Here are some pictures of the one I think will work the best.   This is pretty much like I think it will be on the actual trike. The orientation on the outer tilting assembly may change a bit but it will be very similar to this. The shocks that are visible should be the ones I use. The tilt arm on the center shaft will be very similar.  At this point I have gotten the general outline of what I want to do sketched out in my mind. I have another bathroom to work up and a garage shop to work up before I get back to this little project. Time to get some of the things I put off during the winter done so I can get back to the trike.  The things I have been figuring out lately have been the way to get my steering kingpins made and I think that by using a female heim joint and a longer bolt with a spacer to hold the extension of the...